Flor is a 24-year old who is heir to her father's international paleteria empire.

She is generally either lethargic or irritated, and is often seen sleeping (on the floor). Despite having an immense amount of inherited wealth, she sports an unhealthy diet comprised of mainly chicken nuggets, 7-Eleven taquitos and black coffee, though surprisingly is physically unaffected, with weight getting somehow distributed to her thighs.

Given her attractive appearance (and very thicc thighs), Flor has amassed a large number of simps to which she enjoys stepping or pouring BBQ sauce on. To Satomi's digust, Flor's simps willingly throw money at her to perform such distasteful acts on them, which has become a lucrative side gig.

Can speak fluent Spanish and is of half-Latina & half-Asian descent.

Learn more about Flor here: https://toyhou.se/8047343.flor

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